Kyle F. Grosser

PhD Candidate in Biostatistics


I am a PhD Student in Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

For my dissertation, I am working with Dr. Tanya Garcia to model the longitudindal trajectory of Huntington's Disease.

In 2018, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida State University with a B.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematics.

I grew up in the seaside town of Bradenton, Florida, where my dad manages a local seafood restaurant.

Outside of work, I love any excuse to get away from screens, whether that's walking around my neighborhood or playing music.

Recent works

Paper in Preparation

"Overcoming censored covariates to construct robust longitudinal models of Huntington’s disease"

Lightning talk and poster presentation at Symposium on Data Science and Statistics

"Imperfect imputation: Adjusting for the error incurred when we impute"

Invited Talk at University of North Carolina Department of Biostatistics, Student Seminar

"Modeling Huntington's Disease progression despite covariate censoring"

Paper Published in Biometrical Journal

"Correcting conditioanl mean imputation for censored covariates and improving usability"